Notice of Game Cancellation and NAGOYA's Lose by Default. B.LEAGUE 2022-23 Season B1 Round 31 SHIGA vs. NAGOYA
Due to the influenza infection of 4 players and the injury of 2 players from the NAGOYA DIAMOND DOLPHINS, the B.LEAGUE 2022-23 season B1 Round 31 SHIGA LAKES vs. NAGOYA DIAMOND DOLPHINS will be canceled and the game will be NAGOYA's lose by default as follows.
■ Match
(1) B.LEAGUE 2022-23 season B1 Round 31
4/12 (Wednesday) 19:35 TIPOFF
@ Shiga Daihatsu Arena
■ Reason for cancellation
Four players from the NAGOYA DIAMOND DOLPHINS have tested positive for influenza, and two other players from the same team have already been injured, so the number of players for entry to the B.LEAGUE 2022-23 SEASON B1 31 Round from NAGOYA will be less than seven which is against the "B1/B2 League Match Implementation Guidelines, Article 6, Clause 2". Therefore, the game will be cancelled in accordance with the "B.LEAGUE Regulation, Article 55, Paragraph 2, Clause 2, Item 2".
■Handling of the game result
The cancellation of the match in this case is considered to be for reasons attributable to the team in accordance with the resolution of the October 2022 B.LEAGUE Board of Directors meeting. Therefore the NAGOYA DIAMOND DOLPHINS will lose the match 0-20 in accordance with the application of the "B.LEAGUE Regulations, Article 57, Clause 1”.
* The "point difference" and "average number of points per game" of the game used in the ranking method stipulated in the "B1 / B2 LEAGUE Match Implementation Guidelines Article 9, Clause 3" will be reflected in NAGOYA DIAMOND DOLPHINS, who lost by default, as "-20" for their point difference and "0" for their average number of points scored per game. Also, for SHIGA LAKES, the goal difference will be "+20", and the score results of the game will be excluded from the average number of goals scored per game.
*The above will be reflected along with the results of other official games held on April 12 (Wednesday).